Articles on: StackinSat for professionals

Principle of BSP for Professionals

StackinSat's Bitcoin Pro Savings Plan is a service that allows you to buy Bitcoin in an extremely simple way and at regular intervals, weekly or monthly, from 25 € per week or €100 per month, thanks to the Dollar Cost Average investment strategy. This recurring investment strategy smooths its entry point and thus reduces the impact of the high volatility of Bitcoin prices.

Once the account has been created and the KYB (Know your Business) validated, the service will automatically deliver the bitcoins to your wallet via a reception address that will have been previously indicated during your registration.

In a few months, all StackinSat customers will also be able to resell their bitcoins, under the same pricing conditions (1.5% in €).

Our StackinSat Pro offer:

This offer is aimed at all types of companies (except for sole proprietorships without legal personality or own assets, where you must in this case create a BSP Individual) present in France, Luxembourg and Switzerland. In the coming months, it will also be available in Spain, Portugal and Italy.

If you have any questions regarding your eligibility for StackinSat Pro, please contact us directly on the chat.

Be aware that the contribution of bitcoins to a company constitutes a contribution in kind which is assimilated, for tax purposes, to an assignment. Thus, the contribution in kind generates in principle the taxation of the capital gain on the transfer of bitcoins in the hands of the contributor, in application of the regime for individuals (flat rate of 30%).

Investment ceiling:

For information purposes, no investment ceiling is set. The law does not specifically regulate investments in digital assets by companies, there is no predefined percentage, the main thing being that the investment is approved by the community of associates and does not jeopardize the finances of the company. 'business.

Below you will find a link to all the videos dedicated to the Bitcoin Pro Savings Plan:

Updated on: 07/08/2023

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