Articles on: Your Daily BSP

Why was my account debited but I still haven't received my satoshis?

Note that there is an average of 24 to 48 working hours between the debit of the source account and the credit of the destination account for SEPA transfers (our services are closed on weekends).

Status of your transfers and delivery of transactions

The transfer is being processed by the banks:

Due to interbank delays of between 1 and 2 working days depending on the bank, we cannot receive your transfer on the day it is issued (this will be possible as soon as the direct debit mandate is implemented).

If you scheduled your transfer for Thursday, we will probably receive it on Friday, but it is likely to be processed the following Monday or Tuesday.

In any case, we send you the Bitcoin equivalent of your transfer the day we receive your SEPA transfer.

The transaction has been sent but is awaiting validation by the miners.

You can find answers regarding how a transaction works in the following article:

The amount you announced does not match the amount received, so it is an unexpected transfer.

Ex: If you have configured a Bitcoin Savings Plan of 20 euros per week and we receive a different amount, we will not make the delivery immediately and will contact you via chat or email to confirm the information related to the transfer unexpected and to your BSP.

You have not indicated the tracking code linked to the issuance of the transfer.

The tracking code is VERY important, it allows you to assign the Euros received to your BSP.

This makes it possible to automatically process recurring or one-time transfers and deliver the satoshis to the correct bitcoin wallet (yours in this case). In this case an email will be sent to you with a procedure to follow for the processing of your transfer.

The name and surname of the bank account holder appearing on the SEPA transfer do not correspond to those used when creating your BSP.

In this case the transfer cannot be processed automatically and a message will be sent to you via the chat and/or by email.

The payment was not issued by your bank:

If you forgot to activate the recurrence of the transfer on your online banking application when creating your SEPA bank transfer, it is very likely that the second payment was not sent by your bank.

In any case, our customer service is at your disposal via the chat to answer your questions.

Updated on: 14/06/2023

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