Articles on: Your Daily BSP

My Dashboard

You can find all the information related to your account on your dashboard: StackinSat Dashboard

📽 To track your performance, we have prepared this explanatory video:
How to Track the Performance of Your Bitcoin Savings

With your dashboard, you can:

✅ Access your different BSPs, including details on type, frequency, recurring amount, total invested amount, and fee percentage.
✅ View the value of your savings.
✅ Analyze the evolution graph of your investment.
✅ Find our banking details and your tracking code.
✅ Open a BSP with the StackinSat Vault and withdraw BTC to another wallet.
✅ Create up to 10 savings plans (multi-BSP).
✅ Modify your BSP settings (frequency and amount).
✅ Change your delivery address.
✅ View your transaction history.
✅ Make a one-time purchase.
✅ Refer your friends and family.
✅ Give Bitcoin as a gift via the gift card.
✅ Export transaction details in CSV format.
✅ Contact our customer service via chat.

Updated on: 07/03/2025

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