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I can't connect to my Green Wallet wallet?

For information: StackinSat is not responsible for the use of your Green Wallet wallet, in fact, we are not the publisher of this digital safe (wallet).

StackinSat's job is to deliver bitcoins to your personal safe.

We strongly advise you to read this article "Not your key, Not your bitcoin": .

If you can no longer connect to your Green wallet, please follow the following procedure:

On the pin code screen, you have an option at the bottom right "app settings"

Activate the option "connected with Tor".

You will be able to access your wallet with this option enabled.

If you are on mobile, updating the app on your iOS will also fix the problem!

We also advise you to write down your PIN code to access your Green application. If you ever lose your phone or you can no longer connect, you can simply regenerate your wallet on a new wallet with your private key (often a series of 12 or 24 words).

If you encounter other technical problems accessing your Green wallet, here are the contact emails from the publisher Blockstream:

Updated on: 14/06/2023

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